Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Full Metal Mouth

Phase 2 of my relationship with the Orthodontist began today at 9:30 this morning. Our eldest son, Daniel, had braces put on...installed....cemented into his mouth today. And it wasn't just the top four teeth, as it is with Trey, it's the whole shebang...the whole kit and kaboodle. He's big-time. Glinting brightly in the sunshine.

And he better take care of his mouth for the next 24 months as I make payments on this newly installed hardware. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Million Dollar Smile.'

This picture isn't the best one he's ever taken, but it shows off his new bling. Kinda nice, wouldn't you say?

I love my Dan-man. He's such a great kid.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Trey!!

I now have two 11 year olds. Yesterday, our second son, Trey, turned 11. In three weeks, our first son, Daniel, will turn 12, but for now I can say that I have two 11 year olds.

Trey is fun-loving, talented, bright and wrote the book on instigating. (He only looks innocent). Most of the time, he eats standing up (I have no idea why) and loves to play baseball. He earned his black belt in karate in May, is gifted in piano and has just taken up the saxophone. Look out, Kenny G!! Happy Birthday, kiddo.
On another note, due to some pressure put upon me by the grandparents, I have taken the children to have their hair cut. Personally, I didn't think the mop-head look was that bad, but apparently it was to the generation above me. So, Fantastic Sam's got our business on Sunday afternoon. Here is the result.
As for Julia.....this is how she went to school today.......In my "Random Pictures" folder, this shot is entitled 'Julia Gorgeous,' because she is.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Four and a half years.....225 weeks.....close to 500 classes and now, Joshua can call himself a black belt and this mama couldn't be more proud!!

Four and a half years ago, this day seemed a lifetime away. As I look back, I realize how quickly it has come. A lot has happened since that first karate class back in August of 2002. Joe was on active duty at the time and I wanted the kids to have a positive male role model in their lives. What I got was more than I had bargained for. Josh has made some of his closest friends in karate. His instructors have become like family to us and he has learned some of the most valuable lessons a kid can learn........perseverance, respect, self-discipline, teamwork. Josh has learned that when you work hard, it pays off. When you don't, there are consequences. He has learned that he can accomplish his goals when he sets his mind to it. He has learned what Excellence really means. He has learned what it means to be a pick each other up and cheer each other on. He has learned how to take care of himself as well as those around him.

And, at the same time, he has learned how to defend himself if he ever needed to.

He has worked very hard these last 4+ years, but his training isn't done. Now he gets to be part of the Masters Club and the Demo Team where he will learn advanced training in martial arts, weapons and self-defense.

Congratuations, Josh!!! I love you, son.

(This is Adam--the Head Instructor of our studio)

This is Matthew, Joshua's sparring and self-defense partner.