Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Trey!!

I now have two 11 year olds. Yesterday, our second son, Trey, turned 11. In three weeks, our first son, Daniel, will turn 12, but for now I can say that I have two 11 year olds.

Trey is fun-loving, talented, bright and wrote the book on instigating. (He only looks innocent). Most of the time, he eats standing up (I have no idea why) and loves to play baseball. He earned his black belt in karate in May, is gifted in piano and has just taken up the saxophone. Look out, Kenny G!! Happy Birthday, kiddo.
On another note, due to some pressure put upon me by the grandparents, I have taken the children to have their hair cut. Personally, I didn't think the mop-head look was that bad, but apparently it was to the generation above me. So, Fantastic Sam's got our business on Sunday afternoon. Here is the result.
As for Julia.....this is how she went to school today.......In my "Random Pictures" folder, this shot is entitled 'Julia Gorgeous,' because she is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your kids are just growin up too fast! tell them all i said hi:)..hope you are doin well...oh...btw...christine's expecting in july if you didn't know;)