Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Off the radar...

Yes, I'm still alive.

I apologize for having neglected this blog for the last three weeks, but I have a good reason....

I'm tired and I'm busy. :-)

Oh, and I've been asked to be a long-term substitute teacher at a middle school in one of the Special Education classrooms. I've wanted a long-term gig for a while now...and the Lord has answered that prayer. I get to hang out with some precious middle-schoolers as they finish out their school year. We're covering Math, Language Arts and Reading and getting ready for Standardized testing in three weeks.

I'm excited. I'm scared. I'm overwhelmed. I'm humbled. God is so good. He is allowing me to do what I've wanted to do for so long.....Hang out with the same kids. In the same school. On the same schedule. And I get to teach kids in a small group setting, to boot!


Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer - this is great news. God is SO good. Congratulations - you will be great. . .this will open the door to a full-time position after you get certified. Beth