Monday, December 25, 2006


Christmas has always been a much-anticipated time of the year for me. I love the lights, the trees, the decorations, the gifts. I love spending time with my family, lounging around in my housepants and taking time off from the usual busyness of life to reflect on what really matters.

But Christmas isn't about lights, gifts or housepants. It's about a little baby. A precious, pure, and perfect little Child sent from Heaven above to redeem all of mankind from it's own sinfulness. It's about the Child, who would grow up to be a Man.....a Man who would willingly lay down on the cross and allow Himself to be crucified to pay for our sin. Because He knew we couldn't pay for it ourselves.

In a word...Amazing. Thank you Jesus for loving me so much that You would die for me. Thank you, Father, for sending Your Son to earth to redeem offer me the gift of grace. Without Your love, without Your grace, without Your Gift, life is meaningless.

Praise the Name of Jesus. Praise the Name of Jesus. He's my Rock. He's my Fortress. He's my Deliverer, in Him will I trust. Praise the Name of Jesus.

And thank you Father, for bringing Joseph home to us safely. What a great Christmas this has been!!

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