Thursday, January 04, 2007

Back in the swing of things

Thank goodness! While I love Christmas and all of the fun involved, I love the kids going back to school that much more. Don't get me wrong, I have fabulous children and I love spending time with them, but not having school, karate, ballet, music lessons, and regular Wednesday night activities has caused me to lose track of what day it is.

It's Thursday, so that means tonight is karate night. Tomorrow is Friday. Ballet night.

Our schedule has returned...bringing with it, in all its busyness, my serenity.

And now that Joe is home from Active Duty, the title of this blog is no longer valid. Let the renaming begin!!! I thought about just taking off the 'Single' and calling it 'Wifery,' but that sounds kinda goofy. Then I thought about another title I have--Mom. Thus, calling the blog 'Quadruple Mommery,' but that sounds too much like Quadruple Mammary and since the two mammaries I do have don't amount to one decent-sized one, I don't think that's a good idea, either.

So, what to call myself. I just don't know. SAHM of 4? atlphly? jpv? Joe's wife? DTJJ's mom? If any of you has any ideas, I'm open to hearing them.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Fun thing to do Jennifer....let me think! I love stuff like this!