Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dodgeball Tournament

Why didn't they have this kind of stuff when I was growing up?

I loved dodgeball as a kid. I hated PE, but I loved dodgeball and I was pretty good at it, too. I couldn't necessarily throw that hard, but I could catch someone else's throw....almost every time. My kids love dodgeball, too and today Trey got to take part in a county-wide all-school dodgeball tournament. He was so excited.

I had him at the school by 7:50 this morning, then headed up to church for a Women's rally. Thankfully I knew several of the parents there and was comfortable leaving Trey for the morning while I went and helped lead in Worship and enjoyed learning about a new ministry the church is birthing. The tournament was over by 1:30....I got to the school at 2:00 and learned that my little man's team.....the Average Joe's.....won the tournament for their age group---4th-8th grade. Yes, Trey's team---mostly 5th and 6th graders beat the 8th graders and took the honors of (drumroll, please)..........


Pretty sweet.

So, on Friday night, at the High School basketball game, his team will be honored and will receive their 1st place front of everyone.

Too funny!!

Our day ended with an awesome dinner at the Spaghetti Factory, then at the Fabulous Fox Theatre where we sang and danced to the Theater of the Stars performance of High School Musical and it was fantastic. Two thumbs up from this mama!! Beth and Michelle gave it a resounding "Hooray" too. The girls loved it. (I think my ears started to bleed from the screaming.) My Josh thought it was great. Trey---well, let's just say he was a little disappointed that the dance moves from the movie weren't performed on stage. And the fact that the songs were changed a little bit bothered him, too, but that's alright. He'll get over it, I'm sure.

After all, he's the dodgeball champion.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What is a Name?

Well, I finally decided on a name. Like all moms in this world, I wear many hats. I am a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a board member, a volunteer, a student, a fan...but mostly I am a Child of the King.

But one title I can no longer claim---a hat I can no longer wear---is Single Wife......and it's a crown I'm thrilled to turn back in. Joe has been home for a little over a month now and it's been great. But all this time, I was trying to figure out what to call myself, or, more so, my blog. Lots of things came to mind, but only one really seemed to be 'right.'

And that's 'JPV.' That's pretty much who I am. My email addy begins with 'jpv' and a lot of people call me 'jpv.'

So, JPV it is.

Kinda boring, but I am what I am.

And I am 'JPV.'

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Shameless brag

This blog has allowed a different side of me to come out. Normally, in social settings, I don't offer up little tidbits about my family. I figure if someone wants to know something...whether it's how we're doing, what's been going on, or even just idle chit-chat about the kids, they'll ask. But blogging gives me the opportunity to 'talk' about what's going on....what the kids are up to.....and to give a little glimpse into the lives of the PV's, without wondering if anyone really cares.

Throughout the life of this blog, you all have seen how busy our lives can be. Running kids to karate, ballet, music lessons and church takes up almost all of our evenings, leaving not enough time for family dinners or movie nights. Joe and I decided that keeping our kids busy and giving them access to different types of extra-curriculars would give them a jump-start on life and to allow the Lord to reveal their gifts and talents to them.

Here's a rundown of what we do throughout the week:

Monday: Piano (Trey and Julia)
French Horn (Daniel)

Tuesday: Karate (Julia)
Saxophone (Trey)
Master's Club (Advanced Karate--Daniel, Trey and Joshua)

Wednesday: Weekly Wednesday church activities

Thursday: Karate (Julia)
Master's Club (Boys)

Friday: Ballet (Julia)

Once or twice a month we have to throw in an orthodontist appointment and I believe all children should have a chance to watch mindless TV (Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zack and Cody), play video games and play outside. We protect our Friday nights and Saturdays for family movies and special times together. This would, seemingly, leave little or no time for school or homework.

Oh, but fret not. Not this mama. I've always told my kids that their A #1 job was school and homework. Everything else, besides their relationship with the Lord and their family, comes in a distant second.

On Tuesday, report cards came home. This is the day, four times a year, that I literally wait by the door in anticipation. I look forward to seeing how well they've done and reading the comments by their teachers. This Tuesday was no different and I'm thrilled to offer this shameless brag.

Four kids. Four report cards. 25 different letter grades.
24 A+'s, A's, and A-'s........1 B+.

The B+ was in Math. No biggie. And the child that got the B+ loves Math, so I'm not too concerned. The grade will come up. I was and am so proud of my kids. Lots of stuff going on. Middle School. Dealing with their dad being gone. And they've come out shining like gold.

Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Back in the swing of things

Thank goodness! While I love Christmas and all of the fun involved, I love the kids going back to school that much more. Don't get me wrong, I have fabulous children and I love spending time with them, but not having school, karate, ballet, music lessons, and regular Wednesday night activities has caused me to lose track of what day it is.

It's Thursday, so that means tonight is karate night. Tomorrow is Friday. Ballet night.

Our schedule has returned...bringing with it, in all its busyness, my serenity.

And now that Joe is home from Active Duty, the title of this blog is no longer valid. Let the renaming begin!!! I thought about just taking off the 'Single' and calling it 'Wifery,' but that sounds kinda goofy. Then I thought about another title I have--Mom. Thus, calling the blog 'Quadruple Mommery,' but that sounds too much like Quadruple Mammary and since the two mammaries I do have don't amount to one decent-sized one, I don't think that's a good idea, either.

So, what to call myself. I just don't know. SAHM of 4? atlphly? jpv? Joe's wife? DTJJ's mom? If any of you has any ideas, I'm open to hearing them.

Have a great week!