Saturday, December 29, 2007 and sound

We've made it home. After spending a couple of days with family....chilling, shopping and just hanging out...we drove home yesterday. Picture this.....two adults, four kids, four car size pillows, two blankets, a laptop computer with an Air card, a portable DVD player, five ipods, a Nintendo DS, a PSP, an electronics box with chargers and cables, a food box and a coffee thermos in an Envoy pulling a UHaul trailer filled with a full size bed, 15 boxes of books, Christmas presents (including an XBOX 360 with two Guitar Hero guitars, random mish-mash, suitcases and winter coats making the trek from Oklahoma City to Atlanta, GA...only able to drive 68 miles per hour.

What normally would take 12 1/2 hours (driving an average of 78 mph) took 15. But the kids were great, save for Trey and his moments of whining about why should fly everywhere we go...or at least rent an RV.

We spent Christmas Eve with Joe's mom, sister, and her two kids and son-in-law. It was a very nice time. Christmas Day was spent with my parents with lunch with Joe's dad, his wife and Joe's 90 year old grandmother.

The kids made a usual. They get to share the XBOX 360--as the family gift. They each then got one special gift that defines each of them. Daniel got his Papasan Chair, Trey--his guitar. Josh was told his new drum kit was on layaway and he would be helping pay it off and Julia got the portable DVD player because of her love of movies.

I did well, too. I was able to enjoy an IPOD itouch. Very cool.

I love Christmas. It's a wonderful time with family, but more than that, it's a celebration of the birth of a Savior. That precious Baby Jesus, born over 2,000 years ago, would grow up, become a man and give Himself up on a cross....taking our sins and placing them on His back because we could not pay for our sins ourselves. Only a perfect, Holy Lord could do it. And because of His love for us....He did. Now, provided we've accepted this Gift, can live eternally in Heaven with God. What an awesome reality!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Hey Jennifer! Thanks for your comment yesterday on the post with my cat. I am glad to see you have rejoined us here in the world of blog! I'll add you back to my sidebar if you are going to get started back up with all this. :-) I'm glad you all had a great Christmas, but I must admit that I cringed when I saw how long it took to make that trip...UGH! I would definitely be with Trey in wanting to fly, but I can't even imagine how expensive that would be!

Hope you have a great new year!