Sunday, December 30, 2007

Kids, kids, everywhere...

Today has been such a great day! The sound of children laughing and playing just fills my heart with joy. Granted, it's noisy, but it's a precious noise. Today, we've had four additional kids over for the afternoon. Yes.....4 + 4 = 8 kids....ranging in age from 7-13. Two 7 year olds, a 9 year old, a 10 year old, two 11 year olds, a 12 year old and a 13 year old and it's been great.

They've played on the Wii and the XBOX. They've played Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, hide and seek and freeze tag. Now they're playing Duck, Duck, Goose. They've run and jumped and hid and tagged and then screamed in delight. And it's been great.

They'll be going home shortly, but it will all start over again tomorrow. Only this time we're adding the adults.....three families...all as close as we can be, just hanging out and spending time together...celebrating the end of one great year and anticipating the beginning of the next.

The only thing missing is Matt, Missy and Levi. They're out of town. Bummer.

God is good. For He has provided for us some wonderful friends. Friends that we really enjoy spending time with. Who have kids who really enjoy spending time together.

Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow.


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Hi Jennifer...
I am here from Adam's blog...

After I take my mom to lunch for her BD.. I'll be back...

Thank you for your comment..
yes... I can't help but worry about Mike when he leaves for work.
Especially in THIS crazy town.

I'll be back..
Have a Happy New Year!!

I am a Fox addict as well..

I am a stay home mom (a momster!)
w/ a medically fragile kiddo..
so I watch Fox all I can...
I love Adam's blog... most people seem squared away...

Nice to e~meet you girl.

Anonymous said...

Aw, Jenn, we missed you guys too! I'm so thrilled you guys made your trip safely! I am enjoying reading your and especially the ones you wrote before we knew one another! Girl, you have been a blessing in my life and I thank God for placing you and your family in my life. I love you, sister!