Saturday, May 17, 2008

Orientation, Honor Bands, Rehearsal and Recital...

The third weekend in May. Every year. Without fail. Is the absolute busiest weekend of the year.

And this weekend...the third weekend in May...followed the same path at it's predecessors.

And I wasn't even around to enjoy the ride.

I am not someone who likes adventure. Nor do I enjoy trying new things. I am a rut dweller. I like the comfort of my home. My car. My schedule. It's the same. It's predictable. It's secure.

Which is why I do not drive into the City very often. My thing is....if I can't find it where I live, then I don't need it.

So, my driving to myself....two hours away....for an Orientation for the Special Ed program I'm starting, was definitely a big-time prayer opportunity. I had originally planned on leaving this morning for the orientation, but Joe....knowing me as well as he does....advised me to go ahead and go Friday night, so I could find the hotel....not be rushed, and drive around campus, find parking and find the building I was supposed to go to.

He's so smart.

Orientation was from 9:00 - 1:00 today and it went well. Nothing earth-shattering in terms of information...but the opportunity to shore up my knowledge on how to access my online classes was good. I left right at 1:00 and headed west back toward the city.

But while I was in my is what went on with Joe and the kids, during this third weekend in May....the busiest weekend of the year.

9:00 a.m.--just as I'm beginning, Joe is dropping Josh and Trey off at the high school for their respective Honor Band rehearsals. Joshua was one of only 5 or 6 kids from his elementary school band to be selected for Honor Band. And he was the only percussionist. And he got to play timpani....something he's wanted to play for a long time. He's been taking drum lessons for over a year, but he's never had the chance to play timpani, until this weekend. I got to talk to him last night...after his first rehearsal. The joy in his voice is something I'll never forget. He was so excited. And he made this mama so proud.

Trey was selected to Honor Band because he is 1st chair saxophone for his 6th grade band at the middle school. And the Guest Conductor wrote a piece just for this weekend. It was very special and Trey had a great time.

Noon--Just as we're starting the second part of our meeting, Joe is dropping Julia off at her dance recital. Four costumes, with tights, shoes, hair accessories, earrings, makeup, hair brush, bobby pins and hair freeze. Joe and Julia walked in with all the stuff....Joe handed Julia off to a room mom and off she went.

And off Joe went. Back to the house to collect Daniel for his 1:00 soccer game. Now, I'm leaving the building and heading to the parking deck a couple of blocks away to get the truck and begin the drive west. Joe drops Daniel off at the game, then heads to the store for dog and cat food. He and I are talking...chatting....having a nice time. My drive seems to go by fairly quickly. He picks Daniel up at 1:45, so they can head to the high school for Josh's 2:00 Honor Band concert.
2:00. I'm driving along. At a pretty decent clip. Making great time. I'm listening to the Mets/Yankees game on XM. It's a beautiful day. Joe said to go ahead and drive through the city, since it's the weekend....and head straight to Fairburn for Julia's dance recital. I've already missed the 12:30 show, but would make the 3:30 problem.

Suddenly, a wall of cars appears in front of me. All 7 lanes. Turned into a parking lot. Well, not exactly a parking lot. We weren't completely stopped. My speedometer said I was traveling at a nice, easy pace of 2 miles an hour. Yes. 2 mph. It was crazy. Apparently, the DOT thought that the middle of the day on Saturday was a great time to re-pave 75/85 and I and 10,000 of my closest friends all decided to navigate this mess at the same time.

Needless to say, I missed the first part of the recital.

2:40--Joe calls. I'm still sitting in the disaster known as 75/85. Josh's concert was fantastic. Now Joe is heading to the house so he can drop Josh off, give Daniel a chance to change clothes, then get him to church for his Crossroads rehearsal.

3:15--Joe calls again. I'm still sitting in the disaster known at 75/85. Daniel gets dropped off and Joe begins the drive back toward the high school for Trey's 4:00 Honor Band concert.

4:00--Trey's concert begins. I've finally moved through the disaster known at 75/85 and am heading toward 92. I arrive at 4:15, just in time to catch the tail end of their tap dance. It was good. The rest of their dances are fabulous, too. It's wonderful to see the fruits of all their labor.

4:50--Trey's concert is now over....It was wonderful, of course. Joe is now taking Trey to the church for the tail end of Crossroads rehearsal. He texts me at 5:16 that he's heading home....and he's zonked.

6:14--Julia and I are in the car following her final performance of the day. We begin heading south. At 6:35, we arrive at the restaurant for dinner. I'm famished. And exhausted. Joe is not as hungry, but probably more worn out than I. It's been a crazy day. And it's not over yet.

Daniel and Trey both had their Sunday School parties tonight after Crossroads rehearsal. Joe just got home with them. It's 10:01 pm.

It's the third weekend in May.

But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. God has blessed us with four children who are gifted musically. God has blessed us with four children who are bright and do not struggle in school. God has blessed us with four children who are full of life....not wall-flowers or soft on what they believe in.

This weekend....the third weekend in a glorious opportunity to see our God at work. To see His handiwork. To acknowledge His greatness. To thank Him for His blessings.

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.

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