Thursday, January 31, 2008

Finally sittin' down.....

Whew, I'm tired! Yeah, I know....that's not exactly a Fox News Alert, but I thought I'd say it anyway.

I'm sitting here trying to find something to write about, but nothing is coming to me. I guess that tells you how 'not interesting' our lives are.

So, I guess I'll just talk about how good God is. (Like you don't already know that). I have been blessed with a husband that loves the Lord and strives to be more like Him each and every day. I have been blessed with four pretty awesome kids.....each with their own individual personality. Each with their own quirks. Each with their own special gifts. They are all doing well in school, although I think my oldest two are realizing they need to start studying now that they're in middle school.

Joe and I have been blessed to have 3 other couples be a part of our lives. 3 other couples who love us....just because. Three other couples that we don't always talk to...all of the time, but that's OK. They understand our busy lives and we understand theirs.

The Lord has blessed me with some pretty awesome opportunities to substitute teach. I've worked almost 80 days this school year and every one of them has been wonderful, in its own way. Some days were tougher than others, but I've learned something each time I've stepped into the classroom. I love to be with students. I love to help students learn. Whether it's reading or language arts or science. I love it. And prayerfully, one day I'll be able to be that teacher, full time. Several of you have asked if I've heard how I did on the Teacher certification exam. Well, the answer is no. Scores are not due to be reported until February 11 and frankly, I'm not expecting anything positive. Besides the fact that it's not my personality to think positively, the test was too hard for me to believe I may have passed. But I will check scores as soon as I possibly can....for one reason. So I can register for the test again before the registration deadline on the 15th.

The Lord has blessed Joe and me with a pretty good sized income tax return. One that will allow us to pay off a couple of things still hanging out there and possibly allow me to get my braces. Praise the Lord!

I am blessed to be able to pray, too. What a comfort it is to know that when I'm burdened for someone I care about....all I have to do is take it to Jesus. For the educator friend struggling with cancer (who, by the way, has a better understanding of God's blessing and provision than most of us will ever have). For another friend who is going through one of the most frightening experiences in her life. For a teacher friend who is seeking God's will for his church. For another teacher that I've never met who is going through a tough time right now.

For everyone else I know but may not know what they're going through....that God would show them how much He loves them. That He would show Himself to them in mighty ways. For my children....that they will make wise choices when it comes to friends. For my children....that they will grow in the love and admonition of the Lord. For my children.....that they will fall in love with Jesus. For my husband....that he will use the gifts God has given him for the glory of the Lord. For my husband....that he will be safe as he travels. For my husband....that the devil will just stay away. For me.....that I will be the godly example to my daughter. For me......that if there by any wicked way in me.....that God would bring it to my attention, remove it and fill it with something joyful and beautiful.

And more than anything else, the Lord has blessed me with my salvation. Wow. Every time I stop and think about the fact that I've been saved.....I'm speechless. It is truly amazing to me that God could love me that much. I know my thoughts. I know when I get angry. I know when I get frustrated. I know when I get too busy to stop and read His Word consistently. I know when I get selfish. I know when I am lazy. I know when I grumble. But yet God, in His loving, mighty and powerful way, bore all of my sin and nailed Himself to the cross, so that I could spend eternity with Him.

A couple of weeks ago I found an old Higher Call CD. One that had about a dozen songs on it from 2005. I loaded it into iTunes and put it on my IPOD so I could have it around the house and when I'm at school, but I put the CD in the car so we could have it on the drive to Oklahoma for Christmas. By the time we drove back into Georgia, the CD was dead. Too scratched to listen to. But thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to burn the iTunes playlist back onto a new CD. And it's back in my car with a few more songs added to it.

I love all of the songs on the CD, but a couple of them are really special to me and are ones that I will put on repeat. Sheltered in the Arms of God, Freed, Love Brought Me Back, and Marriage Supper of the Lamb are those songs. These songs talk about God's love for me...about being safe....about being redeemed....about being forgiven...about the celebration when we get to Heaven. Which brings me to another blessing from I can honestly say, if music weren't such a big part of my life, I'd be one unhappy person. I love to be able to just sing. Even when I'm out of tune and off pitch. I love to be able to praise the Lord. I also love how the Lord will bring a certain song to my ear....with a message I need to hear. Thank you, Lord for music.

Thank you, Lord for all of the blessings you have given me. Thank you, Father for my family. For my friends. For my church. For teachers. For students. For this life I get to live. Thank you, Father. Thank you.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!

Wow. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday was beautiful. We woke up to cool temperatures, but it warmed up to the mid-50's by the time I left the High School. Gorgeous.

But by the time Joe and I got home from our dinner and shopping date last night, Trey's basketball game and all related activities had been cancelled in anticipation of rough weather. At 10 o'clock this morning, Julia's cheerleading opportunity was also cancelled. I found myself chuckling that events and activities would be cancelled in anticipation of bad weather....because this morning, it was just raining. But it wasn't long after that that things changed. What was wet became white. And over the next 4-5 hours, a nice, wet blanket of snow accumulated on the ground.
It wasn't enough to cover everything, but the Lord sent just enough for Joe and the kids to have a snowball fight. For the most part, the rules were followed: No aiming at the face. No head shots. No jamming snow in or around the face. But of course, boys will be boys and they will forget. Dan ended up with snow in his face courtesy of Trey and Josh got some put down the back of his shirt. Yes, by Trey. (He only looks innocent) And Joe made it a point to bean Lauren next door as she arrived home.
Fun was had by all. Even Julia got in on it, but was already back in the house when this picture was taken.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Have you ever had that moment.....

....where you wondered...."What on earth was I thinking?"

Well, I had that moment today as I sat in a classroom of a local high school...taking a test that, if I pass, could get me provisionally certified as a teacher here in Georgia.

I registered for this test over a month ago and I was given some study materials the first week of December, so I've had plenty of time to prepare. Unfortunately, though...I wasn't exactly sure what to study. I had a textbook and I had some good information on different disorders and disabilities, plus I was aware of Ethical codes and knew a little about the Public Laws defining the rights of those who would benefit from an education outside of the general education classroom, but I haven't ever been a student in the classroom learning about Exceptional Children. This, I felt, put me at a bit of a disadvantage.

I wrote up note cards. I typed a 35 page study guide. I read this textbook and looked over the chart I had on classroom modifications for those experiencing a learning disability, mild intellectual disabilities, or behavioral or emotional disorder.

But I'm not sure anything would have prepared me for the test today. Wow, it was hard. Two tests. Each with 60 multiple choice questions and two short answer, essay-type questions. And it took me 3 hours. But I walked out of the school with a feeling of freedom. I'd done it. I'd taken the GACE in Special Education General Curriculum and I had no idea how I did. Not a clue. Not even a guess.

If I had to be honest....and of course, I do.......I don't think I did very well. And the funny thing is.....I'm OK with it. I tried. I did my best and I have no regrets.

I won't know my scores until February and until then, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Being a wife and mother, carting my kids to and fro and substitute teaching to the best of my ability.

Sometime in February, my score report will be mailed to me. And right after I read my scores, I will probably be back on the web, registering for the GACE in Special Education General Curriculum..............again.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Good Sunday afternoon, everyone.

Due to some pressure from my darling husband, I have changed the site address to my blog.

It is now No longer am I a Single Wife...and I haven't been for over a year, so now I must identify myself with another 'handle.' And atlantaphillie is perfect.

What on earth is an atlantaphillie? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here's how I came up with it:

I am a Phillie. Big time. Who can forget the 1980 World Series Champions? Michael Jack Schmidt. Steve Carlton. Greg Luzinski. Bake McBride. And of course, Pete Rose. Gotta love 'em.

The 1993 Phillies made us proud, too. Curt Schilling. Tommy Greene. Dave Hollins. Darren Daulton. John Kruk. Mickey Morandini. Lenny Dykstra. Terry Mullholland. And of course, Mitch Williams. Whew! I get misty just thinking about it. (sniff)

And there's the Phillies of today. Cole Hamels. Brett Myers. Chase Utley. Pat Burrell. Shane Victorino. Last year's MVP- Ryan Howard. And this year's MVP- Jimmy Rollins. Oooo, I can't wait for the season to begin.

But alas, I live in Atlanta. Not---alas! This is a horrible place to live, but alas...I am not near my Phillies where I can go to more games each season. But we go to as many games as we can...every time the Phillies are in town. And we go to a lot of Braves games...and Yes...I cheer for the Braves (except when they're playing the Phillies.)
So there you have it. The story behind this blog address, my license plate, my screen name on, and my personalized Phillies jersey. Atlantaphillie! That's me!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's 2008. Wow. It's hard for me to believe that 2007 is already gone. My how the time flies.

2007 was a wonderful year for me and my family. God truly worked some mighty things in my and my family's life. Right at the end of 2006, the Lord brought my husband home from Baghdad, safe and sound and ready for our family to become complete again. Re-engagement was almost seamless this time....definitely a work of the Lord.

2007 also brought an opportunity for me to substitute teach. 2007 had two of our boys playing baseball and all of the children showcasing their talents in various music and dance recitals. 2007 closed a chapter in our lives in Joe leaving his job at Delta Air Lines and beginning his work at Hewlett Packard. 2007 had Joe changing Navy units and graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Certificate in Biblical Studies. God is good.

2008 brings a similar anticipation for me. This year, I may be going back to school to become certified to teach. This fall I will have all 3 of our boys in middle school. This year, Joe could have some big opportunities to offer his gifts both with Hewlett Packard and the United States Naval Reserve. This year, our children will continue to hone their God-given gifts in music and Julia should earn her black belt in karate.

God's blessings continue to abound....not necessarily physical or monetary blessings, but the blessing of friends. The blessing of peace and complete joy. The blessing of contentment in all we have. The blessing of opportunity to worship Him each and every Sunday. The blessing of getting to read His Word without fear of persecution. The blessing of the sun shining every day. The blessing of children laughing as they play.

God is clearly evident in so much around me. How can I be silent.