Sunday, January 06, 2008


Good Sunday afternoon, everyone.

Due to some pressure from my darling husband, I have changed the site address to my blog.

It is now No longer am I a Single Wife...and I haven't been for over a year, so now I must identify myself with another 'handle.' And atlantaphillie is perfect.

What on earth is an atlantaphillie? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here's how I came up with it:

I am a Phillie. Big time. Who can forget the 1980 World Series Champions? Michael Jack Schmidt. Steve Carlton. Greg Luzinski. Bake McBride. And of course, Pete Rose. Gotta love 'em.

The 1993 Phillies made us proud, too. Curt Schilling. Tommy Greene. Dave Hollins. Darren Daulton. John Kruk. Mickey Morandini. Lenny Dykstra. Terry Mullholland. And of course, Mitch Williams. Whew! I get misty just thinking about it. (sniff)

And there's the Phillies of today. Cole Hamels. Brett Myers. Chase Utley. Pat Burrell. Shane Victorino. Last year's MVP- Ryan Howard. And this year's MVP- Jimmy Rollins. Oooo, I can't wait for the season to begin.

But alas, I live in Atlanta. Not---alas! This is a horrible place to live, but alas...I am not near my Phillies where I can go to more games each season. But we go to as many games as we can...every time the Phillies are in town. And we go to a lot of Braves games...and Yes...I cheer for the Braves (except when they're playing the Phillies.)
So there you have it. The story behind this blog address, my license plate, my screen name on, and my personalized Phillies jersey. Atlantaphillie! That's me!


Anonymous said...

That's my Philly Girl! Can't wait to spend more afternoons at Turner Field with ya!
And you are right, Atlantaphillie does suit you to a "T"!!!!

Dianne said...

I'm glad you're back! I'm adding you back to my sidebar....