Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Always learning...

The Lord has taught me so many things...

How to love those that aren't the most lovable...

How to be patient when patience is the last thing on my mind...

How to be quiet so I can really listen to what others are saying...

How to be productive, when I really don't want to be...

How to be strong with strength that is not my own...

How to have faith, when all I want to do is ask questions...

And I question a lot of things. I'm not the most trusting person in the world. I can be cynical. Pessimistic (according to my dear husband, but I call it realistic). And cautious. I'm not in to adventures and I don't like surprises.

But trying to find a job this summer has been hard. I've been frustrated. Down. Insecure. I've been hopeful. Vigilant. Prayerful. I feel I've been ready for whatever would come my way.

But nothing prepared me for what has happened this week. I had an interview at a middle school in a neighboring county on Monday. I had heard many nice things about this particular school, its administration and faculty. But because I have no teaching experience, I wasn't very optimistic I would even be granted an interview, so when the interview was scheduled, I was excited, yet guarded.

Guarded. That's a great word to describe my emotions. Don't get too excited. Don't get too downhearted. Guarded. That's me.

I walked into the Principal's office, shook his hand and was introduced to two teachers who would be interviewing me as well. And as the Lord would have it, one of the them is the wife of one of Trey's teachers last year.

Small world. So, we had that common thread right off the bat.

The interview went well...from what little vantage point I have. I was comfortable. At ease. And calm. My heart was racing for a time, but quickly returned to a normal state. I realized I had nothing to lose. I would answer whatever questions they asked to the best of my ability and the rest was up to the Lord. Whatever happened would be His will. Not mine.

For 45 minutes we talked, then I was given a tour of the building by one of the secretaries. Large school. Over crowded. 52 modular units. Wow.

After the tour, I was invited back into his office where I was quickly and immediately offered the position of Special Education Collaborative Teacher, specializing in Language Arts.

Um, I'm sorry. Would you please repeat that?

I was stunned. Some friends told me Principals offer jobs on the spot, but I never thought I would actually experience it. Wow. God is amazing!!

I signed my statement of acceptance letter this morning and will be attending the Teacher Induction Program next week. Pre-planning begins the week after.

What once seemed like forever away, is now.

What once seemed like a snail's pace, is suddenly a thrill ride like no other.

Now I get to sit here and realize God had this all worked out to begin with. And I wasn't patient enough to enjoy His glory. I wasn't quiet enough to listen to His voice.

But God doesn't care about that.

His grace is amazing. And all He ever wanted to do was bless me.

And He has.


Dianne said...

I can't wait to follow your first year there...keep us posted! You'll only be about 10 minutes from my house...FYI...

Anonymous said...

God is Good All the time even we do not see what he is up to and is trying to teach us...


I figured it out..

Anonymous said...

Sometimes those seasons of waiting tests our patience, faith, and trust in God's Almighty plan. He knew the outcome and delivered it in His perfect timing. Enjoy this ride, Jenn. The Lord is heaping blessing upon blessing on you and your family for your faithfulness and response to His calling for your life.
