Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not even sure where to begin...

Here I am....

Sitting at my computer, with the Rays/Red Sox game on the Tube. Trey lying on my bed watching the game and Daniel walking around with the books he checked out of the public library. Julia is watching TV somewhere. Joe and Josh are on the computer playing. My house is comfortable. My home is blessed beyond measure....God is good.

I checked out the date of my last blog entry. July 25. A very long time ago, but yet, only seems like last week. The time, these days, seems to fly by at such a rapid pace, I can barely keep up.

This school year has had its share of ups and downs, both personally and professionally. My children, while now doing well, began the year with a few bumps in the road. My students at school seemed to start the year well and have now decided they don't want to submit to authority and are making bad decisions on a regular basis. All of this keeps me in a running conversation with my Lord. I thank God every day for the ability to just talk to Him. I don't need an appointment. I don't have to worry about His availability. I don't have to worry about whether I'm bugging him with stupid stuff. He just wants to spend time with me. And it's precious.

Now, here we are at October 11. A little more than halfway through my second semester as a student at UGA and exactly halfway into my first semester as a teacher.

Tomorrow is October 12 and it's a very special day for me. You see, on this day 40 years ago, my parents professed their love for one another, promising to stand by each other until death do they part.....and they've kept their covenant with God.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your love. For your commitment to each other. And for being the greatest parents in the world. Happy Anniversary!

I wish I could say I will try to keep this blog going, but unfortunately, our lives make it very difficult. We'll see.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

AWww, MAN....I like reading your posts, Jennifer! I don't care if you don't do it often, just don't give it up all-together. I do know how fast-paced your life is though..and the way you handle it all is awesome!