Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fright Night

I'm not much into Halloween.....I mean, it's a great night to get candy, but beyond that, not so much. I don't like the witches, ghouls and goblins. The 'Scream' masks and Leatherhead faces aren't my kind of thing. And spending a ton of money on four costumes plus accessories doesn't do anything for me, either.

As a result, we haven't trick-or-treated too many times in my 12 years of being a mom. This year, though, we decided to go for it and I actually got out of Party City with only $30 being spent. I found Julia a Hannah Montana wig, (it was actually a Barbie wig, but it passed for Hannah nicely....) and some face paint for the boys.

We targeted certain houses.....and the kids made out like bandits. One man, who's porch lights were on, told the kids he didn't do Halloween, but told them to 'hang on...' After a few seconds, he came back to the door with four $1 bills for the kids. It's amazing what a dollar and some candy can do to a kid's demeanor. All I heard all night was...."Mom, this was the best Halloween EVER!"
Kids are so easy to please.

(I pray no one thinks less of me because of the weird face paint on the boys.....Josh was into this zombie old man thing and Trey....well, I'm not sure what Trey was. Dan's picture wouldn't upload, but he wore a camouflage face)


Anonymous said...

Nice pics! Trey is soooo serious. And I guess with Dad out of the country raiding his closet for halloween clothes is fair game?

Anonymous said...

We have always gone trick-or-treating and just love it. Richard took the girls with some friends of ours and us Moms stayed home and gave out candy. We had over 100 kids! It's all about the candy and the fun of being together. Beth