Thursday, October 12, 2006

He did it!!!!!

Our fall ball season is coming to a close. Joshua's team, the Braves, ended their season this evening. Daniel and Trey's final game is Saturday. The team Josh played against tonight is a team that many of Josh's friends are on and apparently Josh and Jake, one of the member of the opposing team, made a bet in class today. Jake would pay Josh $1 if Josh's team won. Josh, on the other hand, wouldn't have to pay Jake anything if his team won. I guess it goes to show you which of the two is more confident in his team.........

It was a fun night. I got to catch up with Tanya V. and Tom and see Stafford, Drew, Jake and Quinton play. The game consisted of sparkling pitching by both clubs as well as several spectacular defensive gems. And finally, after 9 games played this fall ball season, my third angel-boy Joshua got his first hit! Actually, he made contact both times up to bat, but his first AB resulted in a pop out to the shortstop. His second AB resulted in a single to left field. And this was no sissy single.....this ball was hit into the air.....landing in left field. It was awesome! Josh told me later he could hear me yelling over everyone else. Well duh! That's my boy!!!

What's even funnier is that his best friend Drew was playing first base when Josh got his hit. When Josh arrived at first, Drew looked at Josh and said...."Don't say it!" HA!

I love it! These boys will probably be friends forever....they are that close, so it's interesting to see the dynamics of them being on opposing teams. I'm sure tonight's game will be the topic of a lot of conversations in the classroom tomorrow. In the end, Josh's team won 4-2 and ended the season with a winning record. I think it was a great experience for Joshua.

On a more yucky note.....our dog, Bumper has gotten himself into something. And I don't know what that 'something' is. What I do know is that he was not around for awhile earlier today and tonight, while we were leaving for the ball game, he showed up on the front porch.....wet and smelling like something so disgusting, I can't even identify it. Kinda like a combination poop, puke, murk and just general nastiness. We do have some workmen on our property shoring up the earthen dam that is behind our house and they had to drain the lake in order to do the work, but Bump would have had to have gotten outside of his Invisible Fence line to get wet via the creek. Shooooo-weeeeee. Whatever it's gonna get scrubbed off of him tomorrow.

I have to have Joshua to school tomorrow morning at 6:30 as his Gifted class is heading to Wahsega for an all-day field trip. (Who thought of that brilliant idea----6:30...good heavens!) I'm sure he is going to have a blast.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Good post Jennifer. It's fun to have that time and experience with kids. He's lucky to have such an involved mom.

....And about the dog, that's why I love cats...they clean themselves! haha.