Sunday, April 27, 2008

Standing Ovation...

I am ashamed to admit that I rarely think about those who are persecuted for their faith. Those who must worship in secret. Those who are arrested, interrogated, beaten, taken from their families, imprisoned, and killed. Beaten and killed for no other reason than because they love the Lord. Because they have chosen to go against man and praise the Name of the Lord despite the earthly consequences. Because they have chosen to risk their lives in order to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Christ.

But here I sit, in my home. On my couch. Watching a baseball game on TV. Typing on my laptop. Wearing clothes. And shoes. I'm clean. My hair is curled. I have makeup on. I am able to go to church without fear. Without having to look over my shoulder. I can raise my hands and worship my God for His many blessings. Without hesitation. I can go to work and pray over my lunch without wondering if anyone is going to beat me for doing so. I can read my Bible during my planning period without worry that someone will take it from me....or demand I put it away or be fired.

Tonight, our High School Choir presented a powerful musical honoring those who have been persecuted for their faith. Those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice because they chose God over man. They gave their lives because they loved the Lord. Wow. What a sacrifice. It is literally unfathomable to me that there are people who have done this, but yet there are many.

It was an incredible time tonight as we learned about Polycarp, Betsy Ten Boom, Graham Staines, and Georgy Slesary. Those who were killed because they loved and worshipped Jesus. And it got me thinking. How dare I ever feel put upon when God asks me to serve Him. How dare I. What am I being asked to sacrifice? My time. Yes. Money. Sure. But my life? No. My family's lives? No.

Yes, there are times when I just don't feel like it. When I'm tired. Tapped out. Spent. But, that's just me being selfish, really.

God, forgive me for my complacency. Forgive me standing pat. Forgive me for being so busy that I forget to Praise Your Name. Father, create in me a clean heart. Use me to glorify You. Remove me from the equation. It's all about You. You have placed me into the mission field of teaching. Give me opportunity to share You with those around me. May I glorify You, Father, every day I'm in the classroom.

Thank You, God, once again for Your grace in my life. I praise You for Who You are. You are the Almighty. The All-Powerful. The Resurrection and the Life. Thank You, Father, for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, so the rest of the world can have the opportunity to get to know You.

Thank You, Father for two parents who took me to church every Sunday while I was growing up. Thank You, Father, for grandparents who took my parents to church every Sunday they were growing up.

I just want to be a blessing, Father. I want others to look at me and see You.

God, be with those all over this world....who are under attack. Who are under the threat of beatings or even death if they share Jesus. Father, if it be Your will...keep them safe. Give them strength to stand up for what they believe. Give them Hope. Courage. And Peace. Give them a glimpse of Your glory, Father. Show them that their work is not in vain.

Thank You, Father for the reminder tonight that we have much to do in the remaining days until You return for Your children. Thank You for Frontline. What a blessing they were tonight.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I'm with you Jennifer. I was a fabulous program and I was humbled as well. GREAT post!