Saturday, February 16, 2008

Grumbling and Complaining I thought I'd be smart and change my template. And I believed blogger when it said I could access my old template if need be.

Then I didn't like how my blog layout was all squishy and narrow-looking, so I tried to access said former template...........but no. It wasn't there. Then I thought....Oh well. Now I've messed up, so I might as well change my look. But the blogger templates are kinda boring. I'd love some flowers....or an Americana theme. But blogger doesn't offer anything like that. So,I tried to find some free templates on the web. And I found one that was absolutely gorgeous.......beautiful flowers cascading down the page. But my most recent post was 'lost' in the foliage.

So, I kept looking.

I found several templates that I liked, but I can't get blogger to identify them. Now, I'm back with blogger until I can get Joe to help me figure out how to get some of these other ones I liked to work.

This is Tracey's former look and it's nice, but I'd love to find something original.....that looks like me. If anyone has any good websites to offer, I'd love to hear 'em.

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