Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Yeah, yeah....I'm a day late, but I've been busy. :-)

Joe and I ended up having one of the best Valentine's we've ever had. We went out to dinner with Mark and Allyson...enjoying each other's company and exchanging gifts. Even though they live right next door, we have to plan WAY ahead in order to get together and last night was one of those nights.

We went to Baci for a nice 4 course meal, got caught up with each other's families and laughed and laughed. And two and half hours later....I walked out with my Valentine's present----a brand new Niken D40 camera. I am so excited! It's exactly what I wanted and now I'll be able to take action shots of the kids while they're playing.

And it just gets better.....Today, the second part of my gift arrived. A new cell phone. My Palm Treo has been flaky since the day I got it---less than a year ago. I've had to have it warranty-replaced three times and it just drives me nuts. It has trouble holding a decent signal and freezes up no matter what application I'm trying to perform. I figured I would just gut it out until my contract expired, but Joe surprised me with a new Palm Centro. In Sooner, Phillie and Bulldog red. It's absolutely wonderful.

Yeah, I'm pretty spoiled, but I do know how so very blessed I am. I have a husband that adores me, four children who bring me a ton of joy, and a God who is more loving and gracious than I deserve.


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Sounds like you had a great Valentines!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had such a wonderful Valentine's day! I've been missing you and thinking of you guys! Hope to see you Wednesday.

Love ya!
Missy Garrison