Monday, August 21, 2006

Playing catch.....

.....with my kitten is something I never thought I'd do. But yet, here is Limerick, my orange and white tabby bringing me a green puff ball, dropping it in front of me, waiting for me to throw it and once I do........chases it down and begins the cycle all over again. A puppy in a kittens body............What a goofball.

On another note, tonight I went to a meeting at my son's middle school regarding the new math curriculum the state has adopted. When I first heard about the program last spring, I was skeptical if only because some math concepts are very difficult for me to grasp. Algebra....Ok. Geometry........forget about it. There is no way. And this new curriculum is so good, my son, by the time he finishes 8th grade will have mastered things I didn't learn until I was a Junior.....and what I did learn stayed back there in 11th didn't come with me to 2006. So, this was a concern to me. Then we found out toward the end of his 5th grade year, that Daniel qualified for Accelerated Math. So now, not only is he learning in middle school what I learned in High school, but he is learning it faster than other 6th graders.

This current school year is the second year the 6th grade teachers across Georgia are teaching the new curriculum. In the Spring, the entire state took the CRCT standarized tests. All grade levels....every subject. We were told at the meeting tonight, that our County ranked tops in the state in scoring in 6th grade math, making this mom very happy God placed us where He did.

Daniel is really enjoying middle school. He does his homework and practices his french horn and reads like crazy. After 11 far, so good.

Only 169 more to go.

1 comment:

terrible speller said...

boy are the kittens growing fast!