Thursday, August 03, 2006

What a Thursday

This has been a day!! First, we had guests last night. Yep, that's right. Four active children just wasn't enough for me. I thought I'd add a couple more. And it was great!

Aubrey and Parker spent the night last night just to make things a bit easier on Cantini and Red Ranger. Hopefully they used their time wisely last night........

Anyway, I digress. The kids had a blast watching Parent Trap again and playing with the Star Wars toys that Aubrey brought over.

When we designed the house, we put the Master Bedroom on the Main level on one end and the main living area of the basement at the opposite end. Genius, I know. So, the children were in the basement, and I was in my blissfully, silent bedroom.....not hearing a thing. I did have to re-accompany a couple of kids back downstairs, but other than that....once they fell asleep, they stayed asleep.

Today was Meet the Teacher Day at the schools. Allycat's younger daughter came over to sit with the kids for the hour that Daniel and I headed to his new Middle School. And much to my was exactly as they said it would be. Meeting the Teachers. No schedules. No locker assignments. No nothing. It was as simple as finding Daniel's name on the big board, paying the $35 in fees they need and walking to his homeroom to meet his teacher. That was it.

I found myself a little disappointed as I was hoping to 'show him the ropes' so to speak about middle school life. You know...checking his schedule against all his friends so they can see if they have any of the same classes, changing classes for each subject, finding his locker and learning how to open the combination, how to stack the textbooks in the locker in the same order as the classes so they're easier to transfer to the bookbag......That kind of stuff. But no. All we did was meet teachers. Funny how it's called Meet the Teacher Day. Craziness.

We came home for lunch and got ready to take Aubrey and Parker back to their mommy and head to the younger kids Meet the Teacher time at their school. We've done that for the last four years, so nothing was a surprise there. They all seem excited about their teachers and are looking forward to Monday.

Joshua had the first football practice he could actually attend tonight and it went really well. It appears they are going to put him on defense as he spent the whole time blocking and tackling. He is loving it, thankfully.

And finally, to close this most exciting and news-worthy post.....I present you Limerick.
First, who could not love this face. (I think he is posing in honor of 'di-dan's' Sweet Kitty)

But second....this picture was taken just after he decided he wanted to rub his face against my toothbrush, and then chew on it.

Goofy kitty.....

And if I wasn't enough of a psycho....I'm taking my kids to White Water tomorrow. But I'm not going alone....One of my most favorite teenagers is coming along and probably bringing her younger brother. It'll be good.

But even if the whole day turns out not so great good thing will come out of it. Compared to some of the 'physiques' stuffed inside bathing suits and bikini's at that place.....I'm Bo Derek. I know I can hold my head high and stick my 4-kid poochie out there for all to see, because there are thousands of other women who look far worse than I........

At White Water.....I'm a '10'

No doubt about it.


Dianne said...

GREAT post Jennifer. I LOVE the things you share and what you have to say. I always look foward to seeing 'new' stuff from you. About the picture, I had to giggle. Limerick must have known that you liked that picture I posted of my cat and wanted to endear himself to you by doing the same. :-) It DOES make for a cute picture, no doubt. That is a sweet cat, I can tell!

Hope you have fun at doubt it will be HOT!

Anonymous said...

Honey - at White Water you make Bo Derek look like a 1. The things that women think they can get away with at White Water. I walk around there in total awe at the bellies hanging out of bikinis. You definitely come home thinking you are Miss America because you by far look better than most of the women there. The youth - let's just say I'm glad I don't have boys because some of those teenage girls are showing way too much skin and they look like they are 25 and are actually only 13-16. Beth