Thursday, August 24, 2006


If you haven't seen High School Musical yet..........I highly recommend it. Do not delay. Head to your nearest Blockbuster and rent it.


My daughter has been wanting to see this movie for two months now, but every time we go to Blockbuster, there are no more copies left to rent. Many times she has left disappointed. Not tonight, however. Just after dinner, I asked the kids to go get in the shower and then I would be up in a minute to kiss them goodnight. Suddenly, out of my bedroom comes a voice......."Guys!! GUYS!!!! High School Musical is on Disney Channel!!!" The next thing I knew all five of us were in my bedroom on the couch and on the floor watching this movie. And what a great movie/musical this is. The block time on TV was two hours.....8:00-10:00. This presented a problem as the kids are normally in bed by 8:30. But because I am the nice mom that I am....I allowed them to watch the first hour, then head to the showers and bed. What was so comical was, every time one of the boys needed to use the bathroom.....they paused the TV so they wouldn't miss any of the movie! It was great.

We TiVo'd it, so they'll be able to watch the second hour tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunately for the kids....when they came down after having their showers, they caught me watching the movie and they were none too pleased.

Ah well.....they'll get over it.


Dianne said...

Jennifer, my nieces LOVE this movie too, but I haven't seen it yet either! I knew they liked it, so I bought a copy of it for them to watch during their drive to Florida to see my mom when they got out of school last year. I was the 'aunt of the year' when I popped up with that movie! I obviously need to make a point to sit down and watch it with them...they must know a good movie when they see it since all of you agree too!

Cantini #3 said...

Ok, I love the "Disney Channel Movies". I find myself watching them too. There was a great one about a girl who posed as her brother and raced motocross....loved it!

Enjoyed lunch!

Tracey said...

My nephew LOVES this movie too! He watches it every single day at my Mom's house after school and even bought the soundtrack! Last time we were in town, he kept asking me to watch it, but we just didn't have time. Seeing as how you gave it "two thumbs up" I'll have to make time to watch it! Sounds like sort of a "Disney" version of Grease???

Anonymous said...

This is one of our favorite movies - next to Cheetah Girls 2! We all know the songs and try to do the dances - Beth