Saturday, June 10, 2006

It's Saturday!!!

I love Saturdays. It's my favorite day of the week, for it means I can sleep in. There are only a few luxuries I afford myself and sleeping in on Saturday is one of them. Thankfully, I have a husband that has always allowed me that indulgence as well. When he's home, he gets up and makes coffee, then makes sure each of the kids stays as far away from mom and dad's room as possible so mom can sleep. It's a beautiful thing. But now that he's overseas, I do not have anyone to run interference for me on this my favorite (lazy) day of the week.

But, as it turns out, I didn't need that interference. The children slept in, too. I ended up getting out of bed around 7:15 this morning suddenly remembering that our oldest son has been asking to go to Chick-fil-A for breakfast. And this caused me to pause.........Why on earth would an 11 year old boy choose a Chick-fil-A cinnamon cluster over the Target Brand of Fruit Loops? I just couldn't understand it.

After I'd gotten my shower and put some makeup on, I went to look for the children as it was far too quiet for my liking. I found one boy on the couch in the basement watching Star Wars Episode II, I found two other boys up in the bedroom on the computer, and I found the little girl still in bed which got me to thinking....."They are so precious, when they're sleeping........"

Once again, our son reminded me of his desire to eat breakfast at Chick-fil-A. But alas, it wasn't quite that simple, as our third son decided he would throw in his two cents and suggest Mcdonald's instead. He wanted a McGriddle. Realizing this was one of those battles not worth fighting, I told the children we were eating at the house as there was a disagreement on where to eat. As I left the room I heard exactly what I was expecting to hear, "Dan, let's go to McDonald's instead of Chick-fil-A. They've got McGriddles." I knew it was coming. And I knew just how Dan would respond.

We moms know our kids too well. As I was getting ready to dry my hair, Josh comes into the bathroom to tell me that Dan changed his mind and wanted to go to Mickey D's. After much discussion about what a great example Dan was being to Josh, I informed Josh that I was not allowing Daniel to change his mind.

This was a great lesson for Josh as he has a tendency to ask others to change their thinking to match his, but is rarely willing to do the same for them.

We went to Chick-fil-A.

After eating in the parking lot, we headed down to the Post Office to pick up what I thought was Daniel's yearbook. As we were driving a tad over the speed limit, the car in front of me decides it wants to stop, right there in the middle of a fairly big 4-lane highway. I hit my brakes.....the stuff in my passenger seat goes flying and gasps escape from the children in the seats behind me. All I can say, it's a good thing I had my coffee in my hand, as it would have gone flying had it been in the cupholder. I ended up in the next lane, as I never would have been able to stop...and No, I wasn't tailgating....The brake-ability on that little green car was just so impressive........

Suddenly, from the back of the car, my sweet Josh says, "'s a good thing God is good." It was a nice thing to come out of his mouth............It left me wishing I had been so nice with my words. (the word idiot came out at least three times, I shamedly admit)

God has given us such wonderful children.....a constant reminder of God's love.....a constant reminder of the responsibility we have been given. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool, the children playing in the water almost the entire time, and me...laying in the sun. I have decided I simply do not have enough freckles. It has been a wonderful day!

Tomorrow will be even better! For God has promised it......"His mercies are new every morning....Great is His faithfulness." I love Sundays as I get to worship and praise my God as well as hear His Word preached unashamedly. I can't wait!!

Especially since I begin every Sunday with a Large Coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. Another one of those little luxuries I afford myself. And there's no better coffee out there.

Trust me.

1 comment:

Cantini #3 said... can do some serious writing. Very detailed. You can write better than you thought you could, huh???? Look forward to looking into your everyday I don't already?????? Love ya, girl! Chelle