Friday, June 30, 2006

Just another day at the office......

We ended up having a fairly eventful afternoon of running errands. The first thing we did was take our dearly departed bat to the Animal Shelter. Yes, the animal shelter. This surprised me, but according to the Health Department, this is starting point for any testing that might take place on a suspect animal. The guy at the Shelter did say, though, that it wasn't very likely that the bat could be tested since we didn't know how long he'd been dead. Oh well.

From there we headed to the doctors office to chat with them to see if there was anything to be concerned about. They said unless I had been bitten, there was nothing to worry about....And oh by the way..."When was your last tetanus shot." Uh.......1990 or so. "Well, then we need to update that." Fabulous. Now my arm hurts.

From there we headed to pick up Daniel's new glasses at Lenscrafters. Yes, he looks just the same as he did in his former pair....same basic frame, just brown as opposed to the blue. He looks great and loves his new specs
Daniel---age 11 (don't ya love the goggle outline under his nose)

After that, we ran into Walmart to return a couple of things and while I was standing in line at Customer Service, I realized I was 4 kids short. Before I knew it, Joshua had taken one of his dollars and decided to play one of those games with the crane where you have to try and pick up one of the cheap toys inside. He was trying for the really nice, high-quality watch, but ended up with the '24-karat gold' chain instead. Problem is....the chain dropped off the tines before it got to the well. Poor kid. He wasn't too happy. Then he took another .50 Cents and put it into the machine that gives you a bouncy ball and......nothing. The machine ate his money. Again, he wasn't too thrilled. I thought long and hard about using this as an object lesson about stewardship, but decided having him go and ask for his .50 Cents back made more sense. (He wouldn't have 'heard' me anyway). He had to fill out a form stating which machine took his money and he got his money back.

As we were strolling through the store to see if there was anything we couldn't live without, the children mentioned they were hungry and asked if we could head back to the McDonald's. I held them off as best I could, but eventually the french fries began to win out. We each got a large fry and a drink and sat and had our snack. Good times were had by all.

After picking up a few things, Josh decided he needed to go to the bathroom. We were finished shopping, so we headed toward the checkout, and chose a checkout right in front of the men's bathroom. One problem....the men's bathroom was being cleaned and Josh was suddenly nowhere to be found. I sent Daniel to the back of the Walmart to see if Josh had gone back there.....Nope. No Josh. Great......This is EXACTLY why I don't go to Walmart. Too stinkin' big and way too many people inside. The cashier asked if I wanted him paged over the intercom.....I said that was fine and within seconds I heard, "Joshua, please meet your mother at Register Number 20" We pulled the cart off to the side and waited to see if he would come. Sure enough....about 30 seconds later there was Josh sauntering toward the game room where he'd lost some money earlier. I motioned for him to head our direction.

I asked him if he'd heard the page...."No, when I couldn't find you I decided I would come up here to the game room and wait for you to find me." What a smart kid. We then went to Target to return more stuff and surprisingly, I resisted the urge to look around. A first for me.

We came on home and the three younger children decided that if Daniel was going to have his picture taken.....they wanted theirs taken too. So I obliged. They are beautiful, aren't they?

Trey---age 10

Joshua---will be 9 on July 17

Julia---age 7

I continue to be amazed at the love my God must have for me. I can see it in the eyes of my children. I can feel it in their hugs. I can hear it in their laughs. They are amazing. And the fact that my God has entrusted such precious children to me is a reality I sometimes have trouble coming to grips with. Oh Father, how I want to glorify You in all I say and do.

I praise my God for these children.....for the husband He chose for me.....for the life He has granted me....for the people He has placed in my life that need to see Jesus.

What a mighty God we serve!!!

1 comment:

Cantini #3 said...

How much stuff could you possibly have to return, girl??? Nice pics of the kiddies.

Stay strong, ok?????