Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mom, my ear hurts.....

These are the words every mom has heard at some point in her motherdom. With four children, I've heard these words a bunch myself,'s been awhile. But that lapse in time came to an end at 3:06 am, when our son, Trey, who is 10, came into our room..... crying.

Anytime any one of our kids comes to our room in the middle of the night, they are relegated to the mini-couch we have in our sitting area. Trey was no exception. He laid there for a little bit, still upset, even asking if he could stay home from Vacation Bible School. I told him we would see how he felt in a few hours. I got up to get him some medicine, only to find one dose left. Thankfully, though, I only needed one. Within a few minutes of taking his medicine, he was asleep.

Waking him up at 7:00 to get ready for Bible School was more of a challenge than I would have appreciated, but he got up and got dressed. I didn't ask him about his ear....figuring he would offer on his own to stay home from Bible School because of his discomfort. What I got instead was, "Can we go to the pool today?" Seeing as how he was in the water for close to 4 hours on Wednesday, which likely contributed to his ear pain at 3:06 in the morning, I struggled to find logic in going to the pool. And I mentioned this to him. And I got what I expected. "My ear doesn't hurt anymore, Mom. I can go swimming."

That figures. Miraculous healing. That Tylenol sure is powerful stuff.

Needless to say, they had another great day today. What kid wouldn't? Go to church to hang out with friends and do cool stuff, then go to the pool so that mom won't make them do any work around the house.

It's a kid's perfect world. And it will be perfect again tomorrow, when we do it all over again.

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