Monday, June 12, 2006

Love Languages...

God has a sense of humor. No doubt in my mind. In our Sunday School class, we are going through a Master Work Series workbook that discusses Gary Chapman's book called, "The Five Love Languages." I have always loved the study of the Five Love Languages, so I was excited about what God was going to show me through this. What I didn't realize was that He would teach me something so quickly.
This week we have Vacation Bible School at our church and I had told the children that we would go to the pool after we came home and had lunch. Today, we followed that plan perfectly. We ate hotdogs and baked beans, threw on bathing suits, lathered up in sunblock, put drinks and ice into the cooler and grabbed the towels. We were at the pool by 1:20. 90 Minutes later, thunder was heard and we were ushered out of the pool, much to the chagrin of the children and to me as I had a pretty good nap going. After hanging around to see what the weather was going to do, we headed home....noticing that rain was headed our direction.

The children got cleaned up and I began a load of towels in the washer. Our oldest son, Daniel, then came up to me and asked, "Mom, would you please come downstairs and snuggle with me and watch Star Wars with us? This way I get a double blessing" Ugh!!! No, not about the snuggling, as I love to do that with the children. But UGH!!! Star Wars.

Anyone that knows me knows I am not and I repeat NOT a Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings fan. Just not me. And I've never apologized for that. But here was my sweet soon-to-be middle schooler asking me to snuggle with him while he watches Star Wars. How could I say no! For one of the Five Love Languages is Quality Time. Another is Physical Touch. And for Daniel he was having both of these needs met at the same time.

I am 35 years old....almost 36 and I have never seen Star Wars. Never. So, you might be thinking....How on earth would she even know if she was a fan or not? Trust me. I just know. So, the movie starts. I have Daniel to my right with Trey next to him. On my left is Julia with Joshua next to her. It's amazing how four active children can sit so still and be so at peace with each other. And we're watching.....and watching...and watching. I even find myself nodding off once or twice. Suddenly, just as Obi Wan was talking to Luke about his father...just after Obi Wan had given Luke his father's light saber.....Daniel looks up to me and says..."Mom, you can go now if you want to."

And just when the movie was actually becoming slightly interesting.

I decided to sit there for another minute rather than racing upstairs like I'd just been released from prison. Then I quietly got up and went upstairs. As I was walking up the stairs, I realized that God was using this study to teach me to be more aware of my own children's love languages. For Daniel, today....this afternoon....he needed some quality time and the ability to link his arm with mine. It was a simple thing to me....but something that meant the world to him.

And who knows....this fall when he is in middle school....wanting his mom next to him while he watches a movie could be most uncool.

1 comment:

Cantini #3 said... cannot be my friend anymore....Star Wars is AWESOME. Possilby one of the best major motion pictures of all time. And I mean all 6 of them too. Jen, you have got to give them a try, there is even a love story!!!!!! May the force be with you.....