Friday, June 09, 2006

My first blog

Well, here we go!! I'm a first time blogger, but not a first-time talker. Just ask my friends.

My life as a single wife, as I call myself, is one of fun, stress, busyness, peace, and, lots and lots of kids. I have four of them and they keep me busier than I could have ever imagined. Someone once said, "Take a look at your checkbook. You'll see where your priorities are by who you are writing checks to." Ok, so I looked. Hmmmmm.......karate studio (kids), Ballet studio (daughter), The school for lunches and field trips (kids), Piano teacher (3 kids), french horn teacher (oldest son)......I guess that means my highest priorities are my children. And thank goodness for that!

After all this talk of kids, you might be wondering.......what about the husband? Yes, I am married. But I am a Single Wife, or a Military Widow whose husband is still alive. Currently, my husband Joe is at Camp Slayer in Baghdad, serving with the Army as a Naval Officer. I am very proud of my husband and what he has chosen to do with the effort in Iraq.

But, his being gone makes me a single wife. Married, but single. A life I did not choose, but that was chosen for me. But I take comfort in the fact that my God is standing right beside me as I endeavor the task before me.....raising my children in the love and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), and living my life in such a way that Christ is glorified in all I do..."For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil." (I Peter 3:17). "My God shall supply all (my) needs according to His riches in Glory." (Philippians 4:19)

I am often told by many people that I am strong.....that I handle life so well, despite the fact that my husband is overseas.....that they could never survive if they were in my shoes. But I say this.....being able to raise these kids, live my life, and keep from going insane does not make me better than anyone else. I still mess up royally. I get irritated at my children. I get frustrated, at times, with the life that God has given me. But, I know that I have Christ, the Hope of Glory, living in me. I know that no matter what I do, my God is never going to leave me or forsake me. I know that my kids are always going to love me even when I get mad at them. And I know that my husband is coming home sometime next year.

So, sit back and enjoy a glimpse into my life.......It's going to be a fun, fun ride.

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