Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Smell my armpits!!

I thought about entitling this entry..."Kids say the darndest things," but I figured "Smell my armpits" was more of an attention grabber.

It's Day 2 of VBS at our church and getting the children up to go was a bit of a chore this morning. The boys all slept together in Daniel's room and I'm sure were up later than they should have been because they are either talking or fooling around. The little girl is always hard to rouse in the mornings. She is her mother's daughter.

After feeding the boys, I headed into my room to finish getting ready for my day. Shortly thereafter, Julia ended up in my bathroom looking like Medusa with her hair going every which way. Surprisingly, though, she was dressed with her shoes on. As she was combing her hair, I made my way back to the kitchen to get her some breakfast.

A minute later, here she comes.

She climbs onto her stool and begins to eat her Target brand of Fruit Loops. (At least one of my children can appreciate the finer things in life). Joshua was standing in the kitchen and I decided he needed a hug, so I walked up to him and gave him one....and he gave one right back. He is getting so tall these days, so his head comes just below my chin....and I could smell his clean hair and I commented on that. "Mmmm, your hair smells good."

Suddenly, out of this sweet little angel of a girl, with her arm raised high into the air, comes......"Smell my armpits. They smell like Berry Blossom."

Josh gives me a look to end all looks, you know......the one where the eyebrow goes up and one corner of his mouth goes into a smirk..... and heads upstairs to brush his teeth. I thought I'd die laughing. It was hysterical.

Of course, on Saturday when she used her new deodorant for the first time and asked her brothers to smell her armpits.........They did!

Kids say...and do...the darndest things.


Anonymous said...

Tell Julia I will smell her sweet armpits anytime! Too Funny!!!

terrible speller said...

At least she didn't ask them to taste them. Berry smell may mean berry flavored. : )