Saturday, July 15, 2006

Just another Saturday

I love Saturdays. It's a day for nothing....or something..... or a lot of somethings. That's what I love about it.....

Today, we chose a variety of things to do and I wasn't even going to post about it, cause I didn't think anyone would be that interested..... until I read some of my friends 'happenings' today and thought....well, maybe someone will get a smile out of my day. At the very least, Joe and our parents will.

As I've posted before, our kids have been taking karate for almost four years and because of the amount of time it takes out of our week, the children haven't been able to participate in any other organized sports....until now. And today was 'sign-up day' for the first child in line. That first child is Joshua....the third son in the order of the PV's. And he chose football. A strapping young man, he looks fine in his new ensemble. A black mesh jersey with '62' emblazoned in white on the front. The pants are equally fine in polyester black with a daring red stripe down the leg. The helmet, in stark white, has shown signs of past use with gouges and scrape marks throughout.

Isn't he adorable? Oh wait. Football players are not adorable. They are tough. Rugged. Mean. But take a look into those eyes.....isn't he precious?

Our #3 son turns 9 on Monday, then heads off to camp with his two older brothers until Thursday. One of the karate instructors asked me today how I was going to do watching my boy play football......Easy. If I can watch my two older boys take part in one of the most brutal sparring exercises, where kids are crying and noses are bleeding from being punched, in order to earn their black belt....(the Circle of Doom)....I can watch anything. Team tryouts are the 24th....Draft day is the 29th. I wonder if he needs to wear a suit and tie for the cameras.....? You think they'll call ahead of time to tell us he's been picked? I wonder how much the signing bonus is??????????

After registering Josh for football, we headed to the karate studio....(I told you we were there all the time....), then Julia and I took the boys to a birthday party. All three of them.

Now it was just me and Julia. What to do. What to do.

It just so happened that I had two BOG's in my purse, so the first order of business was a Chick-fil-A lunch date with my daughter. Then it was off to the Nail get our toes done.

Julia decided she wanted the pink polish with a flower on it. I was just going to stick with my neutral copper color, but then decided I wanted a flower, too. Why should she have all the fun?

It's my first pedicure this summer, so I'm feeling pretty good about my feet, even though I have THE longest toes known to mankind....

After pampering our feet, we headed to Fantastic Sam's to get Julia's hair trimmed up then made our way back to the house to get ready to go to the pool. We were at the pool for all of 40 minutes when it began to thunder. So, back to the house we go. We got the boys at 5 and pretty much didn't do much after that. No one wanted any dinner either, so I got off easy there too. I did make some Bean with Bacon soup that was quickly consumed by Josh and Trey. So much for not being hungry.

Now they're all in bed and I'm watching the Red Sox win against the A's. My Phillies won today, so that's both good (because they won) and bad (because if they lose, they might actually fire the manager and sell off some players for good, young talent).

Tomorrow we get to go to church, and I always look forward to that. I love my church. I love singing in the Choir and I love seeing my friends in the halls and in Sunday School.

Oh, and Tracey....If Gary and Zack are ever back up here during the baseball season, let me know. I can get 2nd row Braves tickets....Right between Chipper Jones and whoever is playing left field. Very nice.

But, I digress........

Like I said, it was just another Saturday.


Cantini #3 said...

Nice toes.....and congrats on the football...which happens to be my favorite sport. I hope one of mine wants to play. Let me know about the signing bonus!

Tracey said...

Don't ya just love pedicures?! How cute---matching toes! Enjoy your day at church...there is NOTHING that compares to's where my heart is and I miss it terribly!

If Gary sees the post about the Braves tickets, he and Zack will be salivating! It's their most favorite thing to do and they would be there every game if they could!

chrome dome said...

Okay, wait a minute! wh-wh-wh-wh-what did you say? 2nd row seats? At the "Ted"? Do tell.

Jennifer said...

Yep....2nd row. You can almost touch the grass. It's a beautiful thing. I have a friend that owns those seats, but sells most of them. He is holding tickets for me to three more games this season and if you think you'll be here some weekend (or during the week), I'll call him and see if the tix are available. You never know.

Allycat said...

Football. Maybe that is why God gave me girls.

Pretty toes!

I love the new pic! Maybe Julia will come to work for Mr. Mark someday!