Thursday, July 27, 2006

'Nuff said

I can't say enough how thrilled I am with our kittens. Yes, I know we just got them. Yes, I know they're still kittens and one day will become cats, but this has been a great week of getting to know our new babies. They seem to really enjoy being part of our family and our family enjoys having them part of us. They are sweet, cuddly, lovable, precious, curious, ornery and just plain wonderful.

Julia and Tymin....He's is the perfect cat for our family because he lets her carry him around like a baby!!

Josh and Oliver. He is the most nervous of the kittens,
but he loves to be held and he loves to eat!!

Limerick...the most entertaining and the most ornery
of the kittens. He is full of vim and vigor, for sure.

The babies think the fireplace is a great place to explore.
It's a good thing I turned the pilot light off last week.


Dianne said...

YEA, Jennifer! That thrills my soul. I knew once you had one, you'd be hooked too! Makes you wonder how you could have ever been 'on the fence' about them, doesn't it?? :-) I am VERY happy that you like them so much and that you don't think I gave you bad advice! :-) :-)

Cantini #3 said...

pretty kitties....hope they love preschoolers....

Tracey said...

How precious! I love them and wish mine were still little kitties, that is such a fun thing to watch them explore. Glad they're making themselves right at home!

terrible speller said...

sweet kittens. my kids are begging for one.