Thursday, July 06, 2006

Our day at the zoo

I thought I'd post some pics from our day at the zoo. My brother and his son were in town too, so the kids had a chance to hang with their cousin and uncle as well as their grandparents. It was great. Julia has decided that Rob only needs to be called 'Uncle,' instead of the more standard 'Uncle Robbie.'

My parents, my brother Rob ('Uncle'), his son Ethan (in the orange) and my kiddoes.

Joshua, Trey, Julia, Cousin Ethan and Daniel

King Kong....(no, not really, but the kids got a kick out of the gorillas....) much that they wanted their picture taken with the life-size models. (I know it's hard to tell which is which, but my kids and Ethan are the blonde 'animals')

Josh thought the Explorakeet expo, where you can feed the birds and have them 'hang' all over you, was pretty neat.......

Trey..............not so much.

Hanging out with my family is definitely tops on my list. Too bad Joe couldn't be with us........He would have enjoyed this time with the kids. But he'll be home soon......two months to be exact.

But who's counting?

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