Thursday, July 13, 2006

MacGyver..........I am not.

You remember that guy????? You know, MacGyver. The guy that could take chicken wire, duct tape and a piece of gum and make a lightbulb shine brighter than the headlamps on my car? You know.......that guy? Besides being really good looking....he was rather handy and I must say, I could use that handiness right about now.

On Tuesday....that was two days ago.....I was doing what most people do several times a day. I was using the bathroom. As I turned to flush the toilet, something different happened. The toilet didn't flush. Hmmmm. Odd, I thought to myself, and tried the handle again. Again, nothing. So, knowing that behind all that porcelain were the 'brains' to this wonder of technology, I lifted the lid to the tank and lo and behold............the problem.

The rubber tubing that links the arm of the toilet handle to the plug at the bottom of the tank had come loose, or so I thought. I reached in to grab the loose tubing only to realize it didn't come had broken completely. And the piece that is attached to the plug was not long enough for me to try to re-attach it to the arm. what was I going to do????

After mulling my options.....wondering if I could pull a MacGyver and try and fix it......I realized the only thing I could do was stick my hand into the water and manually unplug the tank, so the toilet would flush. Did I mention that was two days ago?

Where's MacGyver when you need him?

I guess a trip to Home Depot is on the horizon for me.

On another note, we had a great night at Recovery tonight. Two of the people that I had spoken to this week came for the first time. One for the Recovery program. One for Divorce Care. God is good. The lesson tonight was on completing our daily inventory.....where we list the things that happened today....both our successes and our failures, using the Fruit of the Spirit as our guide.

"Did I show love to others today?" "Did I act in an unloving way toward anyone?"
"Did others see in me the joy of having a personal relationship with the Lord?"
"How was my peace? Did something happen today to cause me to lose it?"
"Was I patient?" "What caused me to lose my patience?"
"Would anyone say I was kind/good?"
"How was my faithfulness?" "Did I keep my word with everyone?"
"How was my gentleness and self-control?" "Did I lose my temper?"

Some of these questions are really hard to answer, but I've learned that the only way to truly find peace......the only way to truly turn everything over to the care of God is to admit when I'm wrong....and PROMPTLY admit it. Ask forgiveness from those I've hurt and do everything I can, with God's help, to not make those mistakes again. On my own, I'll never make it. None of us will, but Praise the Lord, I don't have to walk that road alone. My Lord walks right along side me every step of the way, carrying me when I need Him to.....loving me the whole time.

He truly is my peace. He is my joy. He is my comfort. He is my salvation.


Cantini #3 said...

so the gum didn't work????? Glad that you had a good turn out for Recovery....keep it up....

Tracey said...

Wow--those are questions we should all ask ourselves every day. I'm sure we would find that we fail to measure up. Good post...makes me reflect and see where I'm lacking in my life practicing the fruits of the Spirit.

terrible speller said...

thanks for the link!