Sunday, July 16, 2006

Up to here....

I wish I had a dime for every time I've told my kids...."I've had it up to here with _________" because I would be a very rich woman if I did. I love my kids immensely, but Wow...can they spin me up. Tomorrow is Josh's birthday and because he and his brothers are off to camp in the morning, we celebrated his birthday today. I told him he could open his presents at the restaurant.....AFTER we ate lunch. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I said that, but I said it and I thought it best that I stick with it. Or not!!!

Josh is my negotiator. He'll come up with every reasonable option OTHER than the one I've presented and he, almost always, presents a very strong case in his favor. He didn't like the fact that I was making him wait until after lunch to open his presents. He wanted to do it in the car on the way to church at 7:30 in the morning.....Nope.....then he asked if he could open them in the car on the way to Olive Garden. Nope. After we eat. "But that's not fair!" Um....Ok. After lunch. By the time we finished our 'discussion' he had me down to opening his presents after we ordered our drinks. Fine. I said. Good grief.

I think the rest of the children were more excited than Josh was to open his presents as they all know.....what one kid gets, they all get to play with. It was a nice lunch and he seemed excited about his presents, including his Ipod with his name and favorite Bible verse on the back. Luke 2:52. Not the verse I would have chosen, but he likes it because it reminds him that if Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, then he can too.

After an afternoon of three of the children interrupting my snooze to tell me something someone else had done, we began getting ready for church.....and the boo-birds, otherwise known as my children, came out in full force. I wish I knew why my kids react with disdain when I say we're heading to 'night' church. I don't understand it. They know we go to church. It's nothing new. This is something I am really seeking God's help with, because I'm stumped by it.

While I was on the platform with the Praise Team, Joshua fell asleep. He's been doing that lately, which does cause me a little concern as he was out cold, which is not like him. As I sat down before the offertory, the other three kids piled on me. By the time the Pastor began his message, they were all wanting to lay down and go to sleep. I lost count at how many times I told them to sit how many times I snapped my fingers for Daniel to be how many times I told Julia to stop crying....that I'd HAD IT!!! "But there's nothing to do" she replies. In all my smartness, I look at her and say, "Try sitting back and listening to the Pastor."

Poor Richard and Beth and Tommy and Michelle. I'm sure their worship was disrupted by this 'precious' daughter of mine and her busy-body big brothers. All I know is....the Pastor was talking about faith...different levels of faith. I heard parts of it....I'm sure it was awesome. I wish I could have heard the whole thing.

After church we headed to Moe's. We hadn't been in awhile and it was too late to do any cooking at home. Oh, by the way...they've done away with the punch card....What is up with THAT? Anyway, after dinner, we were piling back in the car and Josh looks at me and says......

"I don't wanna go to night church."

"Huh? .....Uh, Josh. We've already been to night church. You slept through the whole thing."


What a goofball.

Funny how my kids trying my patience seems to coincide with this new book I have on the Power of a Praying Parent.

Dad-gum devil. He is NOT going to win this battle. He's messing with the wrong mama!!!


Dianne said...

Great post....and I want to know about the Moe's punch card thing too! Anyone know what's up with that for real?

Tracey said...

How funny--I love that he slept thru church and didn't even realize it. These are the times that you will look back and laugh on one day. It reminds me of me and my brothers and sister, my mom would get the KILLER PINCHER out and pinch the fire out of our legs if we were acting up in church! Get this, my Dad was an evangelist and he would CALL US OUT BY NAME when we were misbehaving!!! Yeah, good times, but we laugh about it now! Hang in there!

Cantini #3 said...

Jen, you did not disrupt our worship...we were too busy trying to keep ours in line. That is why it is good that we have a "kids corner" section at night week might be our turn or anyone else sitting me!

terrible speller said...

You know, big church is really boring to kids. I remember taking the church program and counting all the a's on one page and all the e's and then all the l's, having this letter contest to see who could win, I was always routing for the a's. Anyways, in my opinion, I don't think you have to be at the church everytime the doors are open to be a good christian or to have a godly family. what do you want you kids to remember about church growing up? They could hardly stay awake at "night" church or that maybe y'all could have some family devotion time at home and mix it up and let Sunday nights be something special and spiritual in your own home. I am not saying going to church in the pm is wrong, it's just not for every family. Thought I would give you something to think about.

Anonymous said...

You did not disrupt our worship - I just felt sorry for you! Hey - I've got 2 girls and know all about the drama! Beth