Monday, July 31, 2006

My life as a mother of six

I have always wondered how Mike and Carol Brady did it. 6 kids. Having six children was never even on the radar for me and Joe. We always knew we wanted four and God, thankfully, gave us what we asked for.

But this week, I have the opportunity to see what being a mom of 6 would look like, as I have the privilege of watching over Cantini's and Red Ranger's boys, ages 5 and 3.

Today was Day One. On the 'Great Day' Scale....this one ranks right up there near the top. A Great Day.

When my kids went to bed last night, they asked me to wake them up early this morning, so they could be up when Aubrey and Parker arrive. They didn't want to miss a thing. They were so excited to be able to entertain and be entertained by two younger boys.

There are many benefits of having children so close together. They grow up and do a lot of the same things...have a lot of the same friends. But one thing I saw in my kids as God continued to add to our family is that they make great older siblings. They love playing with kids younger than they are. They love babies. They love little kids. They even enjoy working in the nursery on nights when it's my turn. So being excited about hanging out with these two boys comes very naturally to my bunch.

They played Prince (Aubrey) and Princess (Julia), Knight (Parker) and Guard (Daniel), they played Spy Kids and the played like they were in Narnia. They played air hockey, pool, Perfection and ran through the sprinkler in the front yard. They played with our kittens for two straight hours.....and the kittens played right much that a 4 hour nap was in order for the babies afterward, much to the chagrin of some cutie kids.

They ate cereal for breakfast and grilled cheese for lunch and had Oreo's with peanut butter (my kids) for honor of Hallie Parker and Annie James of Parent Trap, one of our all-time favorite movies.

And when it came time for the boys to go home....there was hate and discontent all around. Ok, not really, but it was hard breaking them away from each other. They had a great time today.

And later, my boys declared Aubrey and Parker as officially 'cool.' It was, without a doubt.......

........A Great Day.


Julie said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. Hope the rest of the week goes great for you all.

Have fun with the kitties. I have had several cats - remind me to tell you about the one who attacked people. Lucy will verify this.....his name was "kitty." Perhaps this was the problem. No name cat - he had "issues."

Tracey said...

Sounds like a fun day! Yeah, I read about the "first kiss" thing between Aubrey and Julia! Who put the moves on whom??? Sounds to me like she asked him to kiss her! Too funny!

Dianne said...

Okay....NO COMMENTS ABOUT CATS WITHOUT NAMES, lest you hurt 'Sweet Kitty's' feelings! :-)

Cantini #3 said...

They had a does a dowery come with Julia????? Can't wait until tomorrow....and then there's Wednesday are a brave woman!!!!!! Thanks for showing them a great time and taking care of my kids!!!!!!