Friday, July 21, 2006

Just us girls.....No more

My babies are back!!! The parents were told that the campers would be returning this afternoon at 3:30 and sure 3:27 the Motorcoach pulls up. Very impressive!!

Josh was the first to find me as he got off the bus. Then Trey. Then Daniel.

There are many benefits to my children going off to camp. Of course, the opportunity to get closer to God through Praise and Worship and take part in activities that they wouldn't normally get to be involved in......the opportunity to 'get away' for a bit, both for the kids and for me......but most of all, one of the greatest benefits of my kids going off to camp is the hugs they give when they see me for the first time in four days.

Awesome! And Trey was still hugging me when we got home. He wrapped his little arms around my waist, laid his head back, looked me in the eyes and just kept talking about his trip.....never letting go of me. It was so nice. And when I bent down to kiss him....he just smiled. He loves his mama.

The kids went down the zip-line and the rock slide and went swimming in the pool. They enjoyed Bible Study and Praise and Worship. The theme this week was Kids under Construction....and they were taught how God is the Master Designer of their lives. They said they learned a lot and can't wait until they get to go back next year.

I was told that the food at the Camp was WAY better than mine.....( yeah, whatever ) and the hayride was long and bumpy, but really cool.

There is, however, one downside to camp. Yep, the laundry and lemme tell ya....there was some 'funky' laundry in those suitcases. All three boys were sent with plastic bags to put the wet and/or dirty clothes in. Daniel did a great job of using the bag for its intended purpose. Trey just slightly less so. Josh......well, let's just say only one thing was in the bag. Everything else.....and I mean everything else....still very wet towels, dirty clothes and underwear was in the suitcase with the things he didn't wear. And the smell was enough to knock your socks off.

I didn't even bother to separate the laundry.....there were red towels and shirts with whites alongside jeans and shorts and bathing suits. I just stuffed as much into the washer as I could, and the tennis shoes went right into the trash can. Gross!!!

But I'm not complaining......

It's good to have my babies home.


Cantini #3 said...

I think I can smell Josh's bag from here....

Anonymous said...

Lemme tell you - the boys had some VERY funky towels. We made the mistake of taking them to the rock slide and the stuff that was on them was yuck! Your boys were great and the camp was much better than last year. The food was delicious too! The praise and worship were great and we were surrounded by God's incredible handiwork! Remind me to tell you something funny about Josh. Beth

Allycat said...

Is that what that aroma wafting around our house is from! They did not bring any special "souvenir's" home from camp in their pocket did they? You know, frogs, lizards, and other types of bugs and reptiles that boys just seem to love to play with. Watch out when you pull that load out of the washing machine - they probably did not survive the spin cycle, but you never know.