Monday, July 17, 2006

Just us girls.....

Just me and Julia. No brothers. No boys. Just us.

And Oh what plans we have this week. Today the boys headed off to camp until Thursday, leaving Julia and me to fend for ourselves here in the ATL. We could hardly contain our glee as we made our way back to the house to begin Project #1: Tackling Julia's room.

I told the children last week that when the boys came home from camp they were going to find a new look to their bedrooms. No, we weren't going to move furniture.....I'd already been told by the boys that was not an option. But we were going to go through the plastic buckets of 'who knows what' and clean them out. Old McDonald's happy meal toys. Old broken toys. Books that are for younger children.

So, today, Julia decided she wanted to do her room first. Works for me. We began with the plastic bin at the end of the bed she doesn't normally sleep in (she has two beds in her room) and we found all kinds of stuff that did not need to be taking up space. Then we decided that we did want to move the furniture in her room, moving her two beds away from the walls so they are easier to make....and easier to clean underneath.

We ended our time.....2 hours later.....with the mini-book shelf that contained books I didn't even know we had and books I'd forgotten we had. Several were given the heave-ho. The rest were neatly lined up in order of type.....(Dr. Suess's together. Disney books together. Little Golden Books together.) Can you say Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

We decided to reward ourselves with a trip to the pool for some fun in the sun. And in a little bit, we're, or I should say, I will take on the project known as Joshua's room. Now, that's a job that will surely only be completed when I reward myself with a bowl of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream.

Off to cook beanie-weenies for dinner.


Cantini #3 said...

Ummmmm, I want the ice cream...I LOVE Cookie Dough anything....yummy

Allycat said...

Girl time! It's a wonderful thing!

Good luck with the boys rooms. No telling what you will uncover!