Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Just a'tillin'

Day 2 of the House Reclamation Project has been underway for awhile now....I've finally gotten to a point of a break and thought I'd sit down for a lurking and blogging session.

So, how are all my blogger buddies doin' today?

Julia and I are good. We woke up at a fairly decent time this morning, made coffee (yes, she drinks it, too) and took most of the trash to the curb for the CLM folks to cart away. I realized, though, that I still had a laundry basket full of old toys that were garbage, too, but the big can was full, so it'll have to wait til next week. I'll just have to hide the evidence before the boys get home on Thursday, 'cause if I don't there will be a rummage session as soon as I turn my back.

Josh's room is mostly finished as is Daniel's room. Another 30 minutes and the upstairs should be completely put back together. Cleaning it will come Friday when the boys are here. After we worked on the upstairs this morning, Julia declared it was time to go to the pool. No argument from me as I enjoy every opportunity to add some freckles to my skin. We made lunch and headed that way only to find a sign on the gate.

"Pool closed due to contamination."

Ok......what the heck? Haven't ya heard of a swim diaper? And they say it takes 24 hours for a pool to be declared 'safe.' Having never owned a pool, I don't know if this is true or not. My gut tells me this is a bit of overkill, but whatever.

Back to the house we go, much to the chagrin of my daughter. It took her a good 30 minutes to get over her irritation about not getting to go swimming. We ate our lunch and I decided that since I couldn't work on my tan the old fashioned way, I would do it a little unconventionally........by tilling my flower garden.

I hate weeding. I just don't do it. I'd rather use my Bolens tiller three or four times every summer to chew up the weeds then get down on my hands and knees three of four times every week and hand pull or 'weed-popper' them out. So, I went into the garage, grabbed the tiller and took it up to the 'triangle' where we have most of our flowers. Hydrangeas, roses, zinnias. It's a rather large area and it takes a good 20 minutes or so to get all of the weeds tilled up. I noticed, though, that the tiller was out of gas. Fabulous. Thankfully, there was a full gas can in the garage that already had been mixed with the oil ready for my use. My husband is so good to me. Even when he's away, he's still taking care of me.

Thanks, honey.

Tilling is actually very good exercise. Working my biceps and my quads. Feel the burn, baby. Feel the burn.

Off to do more laundry.....the one downside to the type of 'cleaning' I'm doing. It's amazing all the clothes I'm finding in some very odd places.


Anonymous said...

So why didn't you call me??? You could have brought her over since I was out all afternoon by myself. Noah OD'd on "fun in the sun" on our trip and is now trying to calm his video game withdrawal "tremors"....so he would not swim with me. Anyway... feel free to bring her over!
Non-blogger KB

JL said...

Ok...I just don't know if I could get back in the pool that fast after a "contamination"! I'd have that in my head the entire time, no matter how many chemicals are in it!

Allycat said...

Too bad about pool time. With all the house work you and Jules have been doing, you deserved a break!